kevkevin grzejka
is a designer from new jersey



L3Harris, a merger of equals

When L3 Technologies and Harris announced that they were merging in late 2018, it was billed as the largest defense merger in history, creating the sixth largest defense company in the world. This new company needed to communicate scale, resources, and capabilities, while separating itself from the top brands that dominated the space.

The new brand needed to unite the shared vision of two CEOs and provide a foundation where two systems, two cultures, and two groups of employees could be brought together. In addition, all of the work - from discovery, strategy and logo development, to visual identity and guidelines - was created in a climate of total confidentiality, in close collaboration with our client counterparts.

Agency: Thackway McCord
Client: L3Harris
Role: Design, LOGO, motion, ui/ux
Creative direction: Kat McCord
DESIGN LEAD: david weiss
Strategy: Simon Thackway, Jonathan Paisner
Logo animation: Scyld Bowring
Original geodesic dome script by aadebdeb


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