kevkevin grzejka
is a designer that’s into logosinteraction

︎ studio

︎ museum


 ︎︎︎        ︎︎︎ 


Chess + stylus

Been playing a lot of chess online the last couple years.

Got frustrated with the limited options on the big sites, so decided to make my own digital pieces. 

They only work on Chrome with the Stylus extension — but you can use them across games, puzzles and analysis boards. Download the stylus code below if you want to play around the color schemes or original artwork! Might make some alternate packs or something in the future.

(I’m still trying to fix a mozilla bug to get published on, so it’ll have to be manually copied in from the txt file below)

🔌⚡️🔌 downloads:


︎   @k_gosh

︎   @kevingrz
︎   museum

︎   links

thank you for visiting,
have a great rest of your day ︎
©2024  site by kevin grzejka